Sunday, April 10, 2011


Welcome Edwin to BLOGSPOT and welcome SEXY TACO to EDWINS BLOGSPOT!
I am still learning how to work this, but instead of using the old format from my old site, I figured I'd use this! I like that visitors have the option to receive an email each time I post a blog!! A while ago I wanted a newsletter to keep everyone informed on my new videos (since I get people saying they didn't get them in their subscription box or other things like that) or what I'm doing, but this seems like a great solution if I include all of my work in a blog post and post once a week! I figure an email a week from me telling you what I've been doing and reminding you of the videos I did can't hurt, right?

Anyway, so basically I just wanted to say HI! I'll try to see if I can get this blog to be edwinsgeneration.com and make it look fancy. What am I up to? 3 videos a week (famousedwin/cincodevlogo/famosoedwin), promoting CDV, school, hanging out with friends! Yep. FUN BUSY :D

Seriously though, it's funny! On my spanish channel someone asked "Whoa you're doing videos every friday here AND CDV?" - she forgot famousedwin! And yes! I'm loving it all too! All while planning new EG videos (though I only expect to put out 2-3 of those a month, but that beats 1 every 2 months lol)


P.S. Please let me know in the comment if you would actually subscribe to a weekly email (basically telling you to come here and see a new post!!) AND NOT IGNORE THE EMAIL LOL.. I want this blog to work and it will be needing feedback!

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